The Archive

  • Prophet

    Prophet:  "A man emerges, finally awake from the long sleep of the hyperpod."

    You may remember Prophet from the “extreme” 90's when chromium covers pushed sales and putting pockets on characters was the comic trend of the time. Image comics was the biggest at the time pushing their comics with a style over substance mentality. If you read Youngblood, it was one of the worst offenders where you have horribly trademarked Liefield art mixed with stories that make SuperPro look like fucking Shakespeare. Somehow, out of that pile of dogshit came Prophet which told the story of a genetically modified soldier that liked shortswords and pockets. It was just as bad and only lasted about twenty issues which should have been forgotten by time. It wasn't. In probably the best and strangest revap ever, writer Brandon Graham and artist Simon Roy hacked away at Prophet making it unrecognizable. What we are left with is a comic that feels more epic than Star Wars, more bizarre than any classic Doctor Who episode, and more of a Heavy Metal issue regular than anything that Image Comics is comfortable with.

  • Saga

    Saga:  A crazy space opera with talking cats, magic, mutilated ghost babysitters, and breastfeeding.

    What do you call a comic when you toss in space opera, family, open sexuality, PTSD-ridden robot things, bounty hunters, crazy ex-girlfriends, gay fish reporters, and an ongoing galactic war? Beats the fuck outta me, but you would get something resembling Saga. With Brian K. Vaughan writing the story and the very beautiful artwork that seemingly came outta left field from Fiona Staples, Saga is the one series that is worth jumping into.

  • Truck

    Truck:  The LTN guide to home hooch in the war against sobriety.

    There are times in a proud boozer’s life when dry spells are more terrifying than being strapped for cash. The tools need to be in your belt when you make that terrifying choice to cut corners and be cost efficient. Thankfully, making your own wine at home is not only an interesting science experiment, but also cheap enough to produce small or large scale after you blow all your booze money on a late night bender with strippers and cocaine.

  • Monster is the Devil

    I'm more of a Red Bull kinda guy. 


  • Fast and Furious Improv

    I mean....the Rock was born to smack talk on your roodypoo candy ass.


  • Actraiser

    Actraiser:  Why would a god need a hi-score?

    For its time, Actraiser was an awesomely weird title for the SNES putting you in the shoes of a god protecting a people who may be dumber than the scientists in Prometheus. In what could've have been just a mediocre action title killing tree people, evil baboons, and armored centaurs, the designers put a strange management game where you help expand your people's cities. Don't get me wrong. I loved bashing the shit outta centaurs with a sword about as big as the character but this weird city management thing made this game unique and pretty fun.

  • Bill Burr Standup


  • Modern Man


  • Conan the Musical


  • Super Bingo!


  • Sicario Dinner Scene


  • Brule Computer Tips


  • The Afghan Interpreters


  • Baroness - Shock Me


  • White Shoes


  • Why New Country Sucks


  • Doctor Who on Tesla Coils


  • Pretty Cool Kid's Alien Movie

    Not bad kid.


  • Squatter gets kicked out


  • h3h3 and Frank

    <p><span style="line-height: 1.3em;">{youtube}3kkzs7zH_DY|640|385|0{/youtube}</span></p>