Less Than Negative Podcast

Dedicated to looking over the latest in film, gaming, comics, and tech all under the lens of heavy drinking.

LTN Podcast s2e11

Armed with their parent’s phone lines and a stack of AOL cd’s the LTN crew gets ready to HACK THE PLANET. This week, Phil, Cody, Tio-Bob, EmTee, and Frank discuss around more presidential snafus, boners and kfc Cheetos, Phase 4, The Boys and shitty product placement, Ninja Turtles vs. Batman, Child’s Play, Alita, Neo vs. John Wick, Walking Dead in Texas, bat water connoisseurs, pedophile clowns, Playstation Classic mods, Tetris Effect, and the best Tiger Woods game.


LTN Podcast S2E10

Missing out on minute by minute California earthquake news? The Action 4 LTN news crew will keep you updated when it finally sinks into the ocean. This week, Phil, Cody, Tio, and Frank give the play by play on fun with explosions, flipper olympics, civic irresponsibilities, Us, Toy Story IV and the bravery of retarded characters, Twilight Batman, Uma Thurman isn’t hot?, movie soundtracks, Chris Tucker cash, DMX, R Kelly’s happy rape dungeon, and Shamalambda.


LTN Podcast S2E9

The LTN is currently in talks with producers for a musical bioptic, but will only green light it if it narrated by the cryptkeeper. Soundtrack by Biz Markie. This week, Phil Cody, Frank, and EmTee discuss the heat wave, our mystery influx, cold water showers, music bioptics, Wick 2 and 3, Keanu, Stadia, the sexually confusing black mirror episode that is not the one with the pig, and the cryptkeeper.


LTN Podcast S2E8

The LTN crew figures out how to salvage Game of Thrones with a followup movie. Game of Thrones: Falkor’s Revenge. It’s a full house this week. Phil, Cody, Em-Tee, Frank, and El Tio hash around Gojira, John Wick 2 fella flatta, Robert Patterson’s Batman, Chernobyl, Michael Keaton 2, and the best Catwoman. We even try to fix the last season of Game of Thrones with some pretty good results. I’m mean…come on. It’s not like we had to try hard.


LTN Podcast S2E7

This episode brought to you by slurred speech, wreckless opinions, and fat shaming. We also spoil the hell out of Endgame. You were warned. This week Phil, Cody, and the Tio-Bob talk shit about sonic fans, rule 34 Mario porn, the old TMNT movie, Big Birds kidnapping traumatizing Phil, Sonic looking retarded, turning on the lights in Game of Thrones, chillin in the Endgame, time travel, bigguns, and nobody wanting Toby Maguire.


LTN Podcast S2E6

What do you get when you mix three guys and an experimental voice changer? Two guys doing a podcast! This week, Phil and Cody tackle Shazam, an alien in the cupboard, midnight meat train, art sucks, old and new dune, #justjohnwickthings, disney plus, and handicap acceptance in medieval times.


LTN Podcast S2E5

As Fiesta looms on the horizon, the boys wonder how to make a quick buck selling bootleg pins at premium prices. The boy kick the bag about Will Smith playing Will Smith, The Inventor’s cigarette throat, make-your-own-scam, Tio-Bob pitches bidets, Cody’s bathroom horrorshow, arguing over the shitty season of True Detective, gatekeeping, Michael Jackson sleepovers, and PG-13 Aliens.


LTN Podcast S2E4

The boys are in agreement. While Amy Poehler is okay, Tina fey is the superior choice. This week, Phil, Cody, Tio-Bob, and the Frank hash out Tina Fey's ass, Cody secretly loving Gossip Girl, Captain Marvel, black Spider-Man is amazing, Phil reports the Favourite really does have tits, Oscar noms, Alex Jones has autism, America was won by drunk retards, Apex Legends and Titanfall, and getting away from R. Kelly's pee.


LTN Podcast S2 Halloween Special 2018

If you missed us live, we have the Halloween Beatdown here! Phil, Cody, and EmTee tackle the big issues in the world and try to figure out who would win in a random draw for the top horror villain. 64 participants. 3 judges. 1 to take it all. Disclaimer- The LTN Crew simultaniously stands by their decisions while blaming any fallacies on alcoholic consumption.


LTN Podcast S2E3

If the LTN crew were tobacco, then we would be half a pack of Pyramids that you lost under your car seat. Phil, Cody, and EmTee kick around cigars and cigarettes, booze and the cures, menudo, saving the planet, Titans, Iron Fist 2, the dead action movie genre, Heridetary and American Psycho 2, and weaponized tits.


LTN Podcast S2Special1

The long rumored special is here! Join the boys as they fuck up three timeless scenes of the cult classic, Blood in Blood Out. Phil, Cody, Em Tee, El Tio, and The Frank in this very special episode. You bluff in this game, gabacho, and you better be holding five aces.


LTN Podcast S2E2

Always bet on black, just like the boys do. You'll get broke quicker! This week, Phil, Cody, EmTe, and el Tio hash out celebrity steakhouses, Vegas, Rodney Dangerfield, and Cody's fight with AC. I would also like to add that this podcast was also interrupted on the outside by an argument about transgenders by two people not transgendered. Thanks guys.


LTN Podcast S2E1

THE BOYS RIDE AGAIN!!! We kick the new season off with Cody's guest and the shit paper dilemma, wild wild bullshit, Star Wars going back in the box, Marvel fatigue, Deadpool 2, Legion tripping balls, and a NEW THING. Brand new intro courtesy of Zombie Dandies and their song The Friendly Monstershop.


LTN Special Episode 3

Backed up in a corner and running low on booze, the LTN crew finds themselves against an event the like of which they could have never forseen. Can they survive....the Steven Seagalcolypse! Say that three times fast. The crew rambles on about movies and other dumb shit before they run through the pony-tailed gauntlet of Seagal slaps that is his filmography. The final showdown pits the crew against each other in an trivia battle that takes LTN through the darkest corners of Seagal's action fueled life. It's not just a podcast anymore. It's....THE SEAGALCOLYPSE!
