The Archive

  • Gay Thug on COD

    I just wanted to shoot people.


  • Guardians of the Galaxy: Comic Primer

    Guardians of the Galaxy: Comic Primer

    Cosmic Marvel got a serious kick in the ass with Annihilation and the subsequent Annihilation: Conquest. Back at Earth, you had the underwhelming Civil War where heroes were pitted against each other over secret identities. Up in space, you had seemingly forgotten and b-list characters rise up, become total badasses, and end up stopping huge armies with scarily powerful enemies. Needless to say that Cosmic Marvel was doing the right thing by comic fans.

  • Pretty Cool Kid's Alien Movie

    Not bad kid.


  • Between Two Ferns: Brad Pitt


  • Scientology Documentary

    Off the deep end...


  • Andre the Giant: Life and Legend

    Andre the Giant: Life and Legend:The man with the biggest body, heart, and bartab has a book that does him justice.

    France gets a lot of shit for a country that produced Laeticia Casta, french fries, Jean Reno, and the foundations of American government. Its a safe bet then to say they contributed to the world in an admirable way. However, their greatest contribution came in the form of a seven foot four beast of a man that gave young wrestler Hulk Hogan a run for his money. That's right, people. I am talking about the one and only Andre the Giant. He is probably the greatest drunk to have ever lived; a reputation marred only by his wrestling celebrity. In an attempt to showcase his history and humanity, Box Brown managed to capture it in a minimalistic style in graphic novel format. Piecing together a cohesive narrative from a collection of sources and interviews, Andre the Giant Life and Legend is an awesome look at the legendary man and makes for one of the best comics to come out this year.

  • When you gotta go....

    Even the aliens thought Colonial Marines was shit...


  • Mac and Me Ant-Man

    Marvel told Rudd to knock it off in case he did it again.


  • When will the bass drop?

    SNL Short


  • Where the Jackass Crew is Now


  • 3000 Miles Away


  • BirgirPall: The Forest


  • CS:GO Dunkey


  • Grand Theft Auto: China

    That's two stars easy.


  • John Goodman in the Gambler

    Probably that only worthwhile part in that piece of shit.


  • D&D Cartoon Session


  • United States of Murder Inc.

    United States of Murder Inc:  If the mob takes over America, I hope they don't turn the country into a Jersey suburb.

    That's the scenario that United States of Murder Inc. sets out to explore. The mob has taken over a good portion of the country and is on uneasy terms with the federal government. Valentine Gallo is sent to deliver a message to senator on his first job as a made man. Things go south after the meeting when the senator get killed in an explosion and threatens the uneasy truce that has been the status quo. Everyone from the mob families to the FBI want answers leaving Valentine stuck and his contract killer partner Jagger Rose in a hard place trying to get them. Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming team up again to deliver an interesting take on an America that replaces patriotism and apple pie, with made men, criminal maneuvering, and codes of silence.

  • Knock Knock


  • The Greatest BF3 Player Ever


  • Curb Your Miss Universe

    <p><span style="line-height: 1.3em;">{youtube}v4XTu5ciVsQ|640|385|0{/youtube}</span></p>